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Geocontext - A cross-platform geographical context API

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Geocontext provides an API to query the geographical context (geocontext) of a user in a simple, cross-platform way. It is designed to work both in the browser as well in node.

In the browser, the W3C geolocation API is used if available. In node.js, two mechanisms are used: If running on macos, the CoreLocation services are used through the macos-location module. Otherwise, IP-based geolocation is used using iplocation.

To make life using promises simpler, a promisified version of the W3C API is also provided. The API is the same whether running in the browser, on macos, or when the IP-based geolocation fallback is used.

You can find API documentation here. Typescript definitions are included.

A quick example which prints the current geographical context:

import geolocation from "geolocation";

async function printContext() : void {
  let location = await geolocation().getCurrentPositionPromise();
  console.log(JSON.stringify(location, null , 2));


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